Quite possibly the finest cigar Scissors in the world, this Laguiole cigar cutter is entirely handmade in the village of Laguiole and features Stainless steel bolsters, liners, and cutter. This piece also features the traditional shepherd cross found on most high-end traditional Laguiole cutlery and an entirely hand chiseled spring top.
See the Cigar Aficionado magazine article here.
Handmade in the village of Laguiole, France, Forge de Laguiole knives are truly and by far of the highest quality offered in the market today. Additionally, each of these masterpieces is entirely handmade by the same craftsman to ensure pride in the completed piece.
Handle Material
Horn Tip, Thuya wood, Briarwood, Juniper
Bolsters: Made of forged T12 alloy.
Spring: Hand chiseled Forged T12 Spring
Scissors: Z40 C13 Surgical stainless steel
Size & weight: Handle 10.5 cm – 4. 1/8″ Approx.
Weight: 71 grams (2.5 oz.).